Task List

Task Name Template Difficulty Tags Optimal Steps
AudioRecorderRecordAudio Record an audio clip using Audio Recorder app and save it. easy requires_setup 6
AudioRecorderRecordAudioWithFileName Record an audio clip and save it with name "{file_name}" using Audio Recorder app. easy data_entry complex_ui_understanding parameterized 10
BrowserDraw Open the file task.html in Downloads in the file manager; when prompted open it with Chrome. Then create a drawing using the three colors shown at the top and hit submit. easy game_playing parameterized 5
BrowserMaze Open the file task.html in Downloads in the file manager; when prompted open it with Chrome. Then navigate the X to the bottom-right cell, by using the direction buttons. easy game_playing multi_app complex_ui_understanding memorization parameterized 9
BrowserMultiply Open the file task.html in Downloads in the file manager; when prompted open it with Chrome. Then click the button 5 times, remember the numbers displayed, and enter their product in the form. hard math_counting memorization screen_reading 11
CameraTakePhoto Take one photo. easy 2
CameraTakeVideo Take one video. medium 3
ClockStopWatchPausedVerify Pause the stopwatch. easy verification 1
ClockStopWatchRunning Run the stopwatch. easy 3
ClockTimerEntry Create a timer with {hours} hours, {minutes} minutes, and {seconds} seconds. Do not start the timer. easy data_entry parameterized 3
ContactsAddContact Create a new contact for {name}. Their number is {number}. easy data_entry parameterized 5
ContactsNewContactDraft Go to the new contact screen and enter the following details: First Name: {first}, Last Name: {last}, Phone: {phone}, Phone Label: {phone_label}. Do NOT hit save. easy screen_reading data_entry 6
ExpenseAddMultiple Add the following expenses into the arduia pro expense: {expenses} medium data_entry parameterized 20
ExpenseAddMultipleFromGallery Add the expenses from expenses.jpg in Simple Gallery Pro to pro expense. hard multi_app screen_reading data_entry information_retrieval parameterized 10
ExpenseAddMultipleFromMarkor Go through the transactions in my_expenses.txt in Markor. Log the reimbursable transactions in the arduia pro expense. hard transcription repetition multi_app data_entry memorization parameterized 15
ExpenseAddSingle Add the following expenses into the arduia pro expense: {expense} easy parameterized data_entry search 6
ExpenseDeleteDuplicates Delete all but one of any expenses in arduia pro expense that are exact duplicates, ensuring at least one instance of each unique expense remains. medium data_edit parameterized 6
ExpenseDeleteDuplicates2 Delete all but one of any expenses in arduia pro expense that are exact duplicates, ensuring at least one instance of each unique expense remains. medium data_edit requires_setup parameterized 9
ExpenseDeleteMultiple Delete the following expenses from arduia pro expense: {expenses}. easy data_edit parameterized 10
ExpenseDeleteMultiple2 Delete the following expenses from arduia pro expense: {expenses}. hard screen_reading parameterized 17
ExpenseDeleteSingle Delete the following expenses from arduia pro expense: {expense}. easy screen_reading parameterized 3
FilesDeleteFile Delete the file {file_name} from the Android filesystem located in the {subfolder} folder within the sdk_gphone_x86_64 storage area. medium data_edit parameterized 4
FilesMoveFile Move the file {file_name} from {source_folder} within the sdk_gphone_x86_64 storage area to the {destination_folder} within the same sdk_gphone_x86_64 storage area in the Android filesystem. medium search screen_reading parameterized 10
MarkorAddNoteHeader Update the Markor note {file_name} by adding the following text, along with a new blank line before the existing content: "{header}". medium data_entry parameterized 6
MarkorChangeNoteContent Update the content of {file_name} to "{updated_content}" in Markor. medium data_entry requires_setup parameterized 5
MarkorCreateFolder Create a new folder in Markor named {folder_name}. easy data_entry parameterized 4
MarkorCreateNote Create a new note in Markor named {file_name} with the following text: {text} medium data_entry parameterized 8
MarkorCreateNoteAndSms Create a new note in Markor named {file_name} with the following text: {text}. Share the entire content of the note with the phone number {number} via SMS using Simple SMS Messenger hard multi_app data_entry parameterized 9
MarkorCreateNoteFromClipboard Create a note in Markor named {file_name}. Perform a paste operation in the note and save the note. medium data_entry parameterized 7
MarkorDeleteAllNotes Delete all my notes in Markor. easy data_edit repetition parameterized 7
MarkorDeleteNewestNote Delete the newest note in Markor. easy data_edit parameterized 4
MarkorDeleteNote Delete the note in Markor named {file_name}. easy data_edit requires_setup parameterized 5
MarkorEditNote Edit {file_name} in Markor. Add to the top of the note {header} easy data_edit transcription parameterized 4
MarkorMergeNotes Merge the contents of Markor notes {file1_name}, {file2_name} and {file3_name} (in the same order) into a new Markor note named {new_file_name} and save it. Add a new line between the content of each note. hard data_edit data_entry parameterized 39
MarkorMoveNote In Markor, move the note {file_name} from {source_folder} to {destination_folder}. medium parameterized complex_ui_understanding 7
MarkorTranscribeReceipt Create a file in Markor, called receipt.md with the transactions from the receipt.png. Use Simple Gallery to view the receipt. Please enter transactions in csv format including the header "Date, Item, Amount". medium transcription data_entry multi_app screen_reading memorization parameterized 9
MarkorTranscribeVideo Transcribe the contents of video {video_name} by watching it in VLC player (located in Download) and writing the sequence of strings shown on each frame to the text file {file_name} in Markor as a comma separated list. For example, if the first frame shows the text "edna" and the second frame shows the text "pineapple", then the text file should contains only the following text: "edna, pineapple". hard multi_app transcription requires_setup memorization screen_reading parameterized 10
NotesIsTodo Is the note titled '{title}' in the Joplin app marked as a todo item? Respond with either 'True' if it is a todo or 'False' if not. easy information_retrieval parameterized 2
NotesMeetingAttendeeCount How many attendees were present in the meeting titled '{title}' in the Joplin app? Express your answer as just a single number. easy search parameterized 3
NotesRecipeIngredientCount What quantity of {ingredient} do I need for the recipe '{title}' in the Joplin app? Express your answer in the format without using abbreviations. easy search parameterized 2
NotesTodoItemCount How many to-dos do I have in the '{folder}' folder in the Joplin app? Express your answer as just a single number. medium information_retrieval math_counting parameterized 5
OpenAppTaskEval Open the {app_name} app. Clear any pop-ups that may appear by granting all permissions that are required. easy parameterized 2
OsmAndFavorite Add a favorite location marker for {location} in the OsmAnd maps app. medium search complex_ui_understanding parameterized 6
OsmAndMarker Add a location marker for {location} in the OsmAnd maps app. hard complex_ui_understanding search parameterized 10
OsmAndTrack Save a track with waypoints Ruggell, Liechtenstein, Bendern, Liechtenstein in the OsmAnd maps app in the same order as listed. hard complex_ui_understanding search data_entry repetition parameterized 60
RecipeAddMultipleRecipes Add the following recipes into the Broccoli app: {recipes} medium data_entry parameterized 34
RecipeAddMultipleRecipesFromImage Add the recipes from recipes.jpg in Simple Gallery Pro to the Broccoli recipe app. hard transcription screen_reading data_entry complex_ui_understanding parameterized 13
RecipeAddMultipleRecipesFromMarkor Add the recipes from recipes.txt in Markor to the Broccoli recipe app. hard data_entry multi_app screen_reading memorization parameterized 24
RecipeAddMultipleRecipesFromMarkor2 Add the recipes from recipes.txt in Markor that take {prep_time} to prepare into the Broccoli recipe app. hard parameterized screen_reading complex_ui_understanding repetition multi_app data_entry information_retrieval 26
RecipeAddSingleRecipe Add the following recipes into the Broccoli app: {recipe} easy data_entry parameterized 12
RecipeDeleteDuplicateRecipes Delete all but one of any recipes in the Broccoli app that are exact duplicates, ensuring at least one instance of each unique recipe remains easy search data_edit screen_reading repetition parameterized 4
RecipeDeleteDuplicateRecipes2 Delete all but one of any recipes in the Broccoli app that are exact duplicates, ensuring at least one instance of each unique recipe remains medium repetition data_edit parameterized 11
RecipeDeleteDuplicateRecipes3 Delete all but one of any recipes in the Broccoli app that are exact duplicates, ensuring at least one instance of each unique recipe remains medium data_edit parameterized 16
RecipeDeleteMultipleRecipes Delete the following recipes from Broccoli app: {titles}. easy data_edit parameterized 12
RecipeDeleteMultipleRecipesWithConstraint Delete the recipes from Broccoli app that use {ingredient} in the directions. hard screen_reading repetition parameterized 20
RecipeDeleteMultipleRecipesWithNoise Delete the following recipes from Broccoli app: {titles}. medium parameterized search complex_ui_understanding repetition 17
RecipeDeleteSingleRecipe Delete the following recipes from Broccoli app: {titles}. easy data_edit search parameterized 5
RecipeDeleteSingleWithRecipeWithNoise Delete the following recipes from Broccoli app: {titles}. easy search screen_reading data_edit parameterized 10
RetroCreatePlaylist Create a playlist in Retro Music titled "{playlist_name}" with the following songs, in order: {names} medium data_entry repetition parameterized 12
RetroPlayingQueue Add the following songs, in order, {names} to my playing queue in Retro music. easy parameterized 16
RetroPlaylistDuration Create a playlist in Retro Music titled "{playlist_name}" with a duration between 45 and 50 minutes using the provided songs. medium math_counting complex_ui_understanding repetition parameterized 15
RetroSavePlaylist Create a playlist in Retro Music titled "{playlist_name}" with the following songs, in order: {names}. Then export the playlist to the Downloads directory on the device. hard search repetition parameterized 25
SaveCopyOfReceiptTaskEval Copy {file_name} in DCIM and save a copy with the same name in Download hard parameterized complex_ui_understanding 8
SimpleCalendarAddOneEvent In Simple Calendar Pro, create a calendar event on {year}-{month}-{day} at {hour}h with the title '{event_title}' and the description '{event_description}'. The event should last for {duration_mins} mins. hard data_entry complex_ui_understanding parameterized 17
SimpleCalendarAddOneEventInTwoWeeks In Simple Calendar Pro, create a calendar event in two weeks from today at {hour}h with the title '{event_title}' and the description '{event_description}'. The event should last for {duration_mins} mins. medium data_entry math_counting parameterized 10
SimpleCalendarAddOneEventRelativeDay In Simple Calendar Pro, create a calendar event for this {day_of_week} at {hour}h with the title '{event_title}' and the description '{event_description}'. The event should last for {duration_mins} mins. easy data_entry parameterized 17
SimpleCalendarAddOneEventTomorrow In Simple Calendar Pro, create a calendar event for tomorrow at {hour}h with the title '{event_title}' and the description '{event_description}'. The event should last for {duration_mins} mins. easy data_entry parameterized 13
SimpleCalendarAddRepeatingEvent In Simple Calendar Pro, create a recurring calendar event titled '{event_title}' starting on {year}-{month}-{day} at {hour}h. The event recurs {repeat_rule}, forever, and lasts for {duration_mins} minutes each occurrence. The event description should be '{event_description}'. easy data_entry complex_ui_understanding parameterized 14
SimpleCalendarAnyEventsOnDate Do I have any events {date} in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy information_retrieval parameterized 4
SimpleCalendarDeleteEvents In Simple Calendar Pro, delete all the calendar events on {year}-{month}-{day} easy parameterized data_edit 7
SimpleCalendarDeleteEventsOnRelativeDay In Simple Calendar Pro, delete all events scheduled for this {day_of_week}. medium data_edit parameterized 6
SimpleCalendarDeleteOneEvent In Simple Calendar Pro, delete the calendar event on {year}-{month}-{day} at {hour}h with the title '{event_title}' easy data_edit complex_ui_understanding parameterized 6
SimpleCalendarEventOnDateAtTime What is on my schedule for {date} at {time} in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. medium information_retrieval parameterized 3
SimpleCalendarEventsInNextWeek What events do I have in the next week in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy data_entry parameterized 3
SimpleCalendarEventsInTimeRange Do I have any events between {start_time} and 8pm {date} in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy complex_ui_understanding screen_reading search transcription information_retrieval parameterized 2
SimpleCalendarEventsOnDate What events do I have {date} in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiple titles, format your answer as a comma separated list. medium information_retrieval parameterized 4
SimpleCalendarFirstEventAfterStartTime What is my first event after {time} {date} in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy parameterized screen_reading 2
SimpleCalendarLocationOfEvent What is the location of my {title} event in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the location only. easy search parameterized 4
SimpleCalendarNextEvent What is my next upcoming event in Simple Calendar Pro? Answer with the title only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy complex_ui_understanding screen_reading information_retrieval parameterized 4
SimpleCalendarNextMeetingWithPerson When is my next meeting with {person} in Simple Calendar Pro? Express your answer in the format :. medium information_retrieval parameterized 5
SimpleDrawProCreateDrawing Create a new drawing in Simple Draw Pro. Name it {file_name}. Save it in the Pictures folder within the sdk_gphone_x86_64 storage area. easy data_entry parameterized 9
SimpleSmsReply Reply to {number} with message: {message} in Simple SMS Messenger easy search data_entry parameterized 4
SimpleSmsReplyMostRecent Reply to the most recent text message using Simple SMS Messenger with message: {message} medium parameterized 5
SimpleSmsResend Resend the message I just sent to {name} in Simple SMS Messenger medium parameterized 6
SimpleSmsSend Send a text message using Simple SMS Messenger to {number} with message: {message} medium parameterized 6
SimpleSmsSendClipboardContent Send a message to {number} with the clipboard content in Simple SMS Messenger easy data_entry parameterized 6
SimpleSmsSendReceivedAddress Text the address of the event to {name1} that {name2} just sent me in Simple SMS Messenger medium information_retrieval parameterized 9
SportsTrackerActivitiesCountForWeek How many {category} activities did I do this week in the OpenTracks app? Express your answer as a single integer. easy search requires_setup parameterized 3
SportsTrackerActivitiesOnDate What activities did I do {date} in the OpenTracks app? Answer with the category only. If there are multiples categories, format your answer in a comma separated list. hard search complex_ui_understanding screen_reading information_retrieval transcription parameterized 10
SportsTrackerActivityDuration How long was my {category} activity {date} in the OpenTracks app? Express your answer in minutes as a single integer. easy information_retrieval parameterized 6
SportsTrackerLongestDistanceActivity What was the longest distance covered in a {category} activity in the OpenTracks app this week? Express your answer in meters as a single integer. easy parameterized screen_reading information_retrieval math_counting 2
SportsTrackerTotalDistanceForCategoryOverInterval What was the total distance covered for {category} activities in the OpenTracks app from {start_date} to {end_date}? Express your answer in meters as a single integer. hard search parameterized math_counting 11
SportsTrackerTotalDurationForCategoryThisWeek What was the total duration of {category} activities in the OpenTracks app this week? Express your answer in minutes as a single integer. hard math_counting search parameterized 8
SystemBluetoothTurnOff Turn bluetooth {on_or_off}. easy 2
SystemBluetoothTurnOffVerify Turn bluetooth {on_or_off}. easy verification 2
SystemBluetoothTurnOn Turn bluetooth {on_or_off}. easy screen_reading 2
SystemBluetoothTurnOnVerify Turn bluetooth {on_or_off}. easy verification 2
SystemBrightnessMax Turn brightness to the {max_or_min} value. easy 3
SystemBrightnessMaxVerify Turn brightness to the {max_or_min} value. easy verification 2
SystemBrightnessMin Turn brightness to the {max_or_min} value. easy 3
SystemBrightnessMinVerify Turn brightness to the {max_or_min} value. easy verification 3
SystemCopyToClipboard Copy the following text to the clipboard: {clipboard_content} easy data_entry parameterized 2
SystemWifiTurnOff Turn wifi {on_or_off}. easy screen_reading 3
SystemWifiTurnOffVerify Turn wifi {on_or_off}. easy verification 3
SystemWifiTurnOn Turn wifi {on_or_off}. easy screen_reading 3
SystemWifiTurnOnVerify Turn wifi {on_or_off}. easy verification 3
TasksCompletedTasksForDate Which tasks have I completed for {date} in Tasks app? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. medium information_retrieval search parameterized 5
TasksDueNextWeek How many tasks do I have due next week in Tasks app? Express your answer as a single integer. medium information_retrieval parameterized 6
TasksDueOnDate What tasks do I have due {date} in Tasks app? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy search parameterized 2
TasksHighPriorityTasks What are my high priority tasks in Tasks app? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. medium complex_ui_understanding search information_retrieval transcription parameterized 2
TasksHighPriorityTasksDueOnDate Which tasks with high priority are due {date} in the Tasks app? Answer with the title only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. medium information_retrieval screen_reading parameterized 5
TasksIncompleteTasksOnDate What incomplete tasks do I have still have to do by {date} in Tasks app? Answer with the titles only. If there are multiples titles, format your answer in a comma separated list. easy parameterized screen_reading information_retrieval 2
TurnOffWifiAndTurnOnBluetooth Turn off WiFi, then enable bluetooth medium 5
TurnOnWifiAndOpenApp Turn on Wifi, then open the {app_name} app easy parameterized 4
VlcCreatePlaylist Create a playlist titled "{playlist_name}" with the following files in VLC (located in Internal Memory/VLCVideos), in order: {files} medium data_edit repetition parameterized 14
VlcCreateTwoPlaylists Create a playlist titled "{playlist_name1}" with the following files in VLC, in order: {files1}. And then, Create a playlist titled "{playlist_name2}" with the following files in VLC (located in Internal Memory/VLCVideos), in order: {files1} medium data_entry requires_setup parameterized 24