Audio samples from "CycleGAN-Based Unpaired Speech Dereverberation"

Authors: Hannah Muckenhirn, Aleksandr Safin, Hakan Erdogan, FĂ©lix de Chaumont Quitry, Marco Tagliasacchi, Scott Wisdom, John R. Hershey

The audio examples on this page were randomly selected from the sets used for human evaluation described in the paper. The reverberant inputs were not seen during training: the Librivox samples come from the evaluation split of the dataset, while the AMI dataset is completely out of domain since none of the AMI examples were seen during training.

LibriVox dataset (synthetic reverberation)

Reverberant input
Paired model output
Unpaired model output

AMI dataset (real reverberation)

Reverberant input
Paired model output
Unpaired model output